Pharmaceutical Engineering

Modern Pharmaceutical Engineering

Modern Pharmaceutical Engineering applications utilize chemical engineers to synthesize and create new drug compounds. Chemical engineers convert raw materials including chemicals and microorganisms into useful drugs. George E. Davis is considered the father of chemical engineering. He created and developed chemical unit operations. This concept allowed the principal teaching steps of creating new chemical compounds. Using chemistry and engineering sciences they are able to produce new products with high medicinal and economic value. Some common specialties pertaining to pharmaceutical chemical engineering are: Pharmaceutical Development, Bio-Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Clinical Science, Regulatory Science, and Pharmaceutical Device Development. Pharmaceutical engineers are involved in conception, design, manufacturing, labeling, and FDA safety guidelines for the drugs they help produce.


 Pharmaceutical Engineering Organizations


(Controlled Release Society)


The Institute of Biological Engineering


(The International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering)


(Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America)


(The Society of Manufacturing Engineers)


(World Health Organization)